Dreaming big means asking big
Turn the dream into reality.
The house’s four separate apartments can carry dedicated corporate name / branding.
Every stage the house’s development is being documented by CoCo TV to be shown as a two-part special ‘Room to Improve’. So, if you or your business is involved, your good work will be seen.
Exclusive corporate branding of beautiful Tranquility House garden created by award-winning designer Peter Donegan is available.
If our vision matches any of your ESG goals, become a corporate supporter.
Even if you can’t become an ongoing partner right now, any gift is hugely appreciated.
Have you access to an audience? Spread the word about our Tranquility House dream.
Do you know a better way to build Tranquility Houses and help people with CF?
Have you access to skills, products or services that will help us build our homes to the highest standards?
If you know someone who can help make the big dream reality, put us in touch.
If you can’t help us today, remembering the Foundation in a will could mean we can continue to help people with CF many years from now.
Don’t forget that donations to the Foundation attract up to 35% in tax relief!
Clears our mortgage and allows for Tranquility House to be 100% owned by Julian Benson Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for the Irish CF community
Pays for branded sponsorship of a Tranquility House apartment for five years
Covers vital running costs including hospital transportation
Buys a lift so guests with limited mobility can access our Tranquility garden designed by landscape artist Peter Donegan
Provides a clean air ventilation system and a hygiene clean after every stay.
Keeps our doors open every month by covering the cost of heating, utilities and other essential running
Pays for a week’s transport and parking for visitors to Tranquility House