Leave Your Legacy
1. Residuary
A residuary is a share of a particular estate that hasn’t already been promised to friends or family.
Suggested wording to include in your will:
‘I give to the Julian Benson Cystic Fibrosis Foundation a fraction (insert fraction) of the residue of my estate, and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other officer for the time being of the said Organisation shall be a full and sufficient discharge of the same‘
2. Pecuniary
A pecuniary is a specific sum to be gifted to us. Any amount, no matter how small or large, is appreciated.
Suggested wording to include in your will:
‘I give the sum of €__ to the Julian Benson Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and I direct that the Treasurer or other proper officer for the time being of said Organisation shall be proper and sufficient discharge for the same‘
3. Specific
A specific donation is the gift of an item such as jewellery or stocks.
Suggested wording to include in your will:
I bequeath (the item specified) to the Julian Benson Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and I direct the Treasurer or other proper officer for the time being of the said Organisation shall be proper and sufficient discharge for the same‘
4. Codicil
A codicil is an addition to an already written will. If you already have a will in place, you can ask your solicitor to add in a codicil about leaving your legacy.
Leaving your Legacy is a pledge to support us, and it’s important to remember that you will not be committed to gifting us anything that you don’t have. If you do include us in your legacy, we would love for you to let us know. Please drop us a note about including us in your will, so we can thank you properly, or if you have any questions.